Extended Day
Need a little more time before reuniting with those munchkins? Don’t you worry, extended day is here!
AM: 7:00am – 7:45am
PM: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Breakfast & Snack (at cost)
Homework Time
Engaging Activities
Our Extended Day Program is a fee-based childcare program designed to help working parents. We are honored to serve your child at Global Leadership Academy Arts. We also understand the complexity of some parents’ work schedules and the importance of maintaining that schedule. Our Extended Day department will do the best we can to make sure you have an easy and stress-free experience.
“AM Program”
7:00am – 7:45am
The “AM Program” is designed to facilitate working parents with an earlier drop off time. The morning session consists of informal, non-instructional activities in order to smooth student’s entry into the structured school day.
Parents with students enrolled in the “AM Program” must use the Shiloh Mills Gate Entrance. Parents will use the roundabout and drop students off at the west gym doors. Please see map below for “AM Program “ drop off procedures. Parents do not need to get out of the car, students will be permitted to exit the car at 7:00am. We will have an Extended Day staff member in the car line zone ready to greet your child promptly at 7:00am. Students are not allowed to be dropped off prior to 7:00am. Drop off for the “AM Program” will end at 7:35 am. The Shiloh Mills gate will close at 7:40 am so we can prepare for regular drop off.
“PM Program”
3:00-6:00 p.m.
The “PM Program” provides a more formal, structured program of art enrichment activities, recess time, and homework assistance.
Parents or other authorized adults must enter using the Gate Parkway Entrance, park in a parking spot, and come into the front office to sign their children out using the PikMyKid system. Any student picked up after 6:00 p.m. will be assessed late pick-up fees. Please refer to the late pick-up fee chart. These fees apply to each individual child and are not based on a family rate. CHRONIC LATE PICK-UPS OR EARLY DROP-OFFS WILL BE CAUSE FOR DISMISSAL FROM THE PROGRAM. After 6:30pm, if the parent is not reached, JSO will be contacted.
Students not picked up on time after Extended Day hours will be charged according to the Late Fee
Schedule below:
After 6pm - $1/min
After 6:30pm, if the parent is not reached, JSO will be contacted.
1. Enroll your child into the Extended Day Program and receive confirmation of their acceptance to the program. Enrollment forms will now be digital and are available on our website, arts.glacademy.us
2. Parents cannot leave their students in an Extended Day Program without prior official confirmation.
3. Submit a payment (Reference our payment schedule for our extended day pricing.)
4. Be aware of the drop off and pick up procedure.
All payments must be made AT THE TIME OF monthly registration at the beginning of the month. Your child will not be able to attend the program unless they are registered and paid for. Please understand that by not paying, you are forfeiting your child’s spot in the Extended Day Program. Monthly Extended Day is charged based on the child’s enrollment, not attendance. No refunds are issued for a missed day of school.