
Florida State statutes require all students of compulsory age to attend school regularly. Parents of these students are held responsible for ensuring their child's attendance.

Unexcused Absences

Absences that are not considered excused include but are not limited to:

  • Vacations

  • Personal transportation issues

  • Tiredness

  • Illness of parent or other family member

Excused Absences

Students returning from an absence shall be required to present a written excuse from their parents or legal guardian stating the cause of the absence. The following causes are acceptable excuses for being absent:

  • Illness or injury of the student

  • Participation in therapy services

  • Serious illness or death in the student's family

  • Inclement weather

  • Official religious holiday

  • Insurmountable conditions as determined by the school principal

  • School-related activity as determined by the principal

Communicating Absences

Parents are expected to provide a note to their child’s school within two days of their return. This note should include:

  • Date of absence(s),

  • Full name of the student

  • Reason for the absence

  • Daytime telephone number of parent/guardian

These notes can be submitted in writing, via email, or through other documented and verifiable means.


Students who miss 5 days within a calendar month or 10 days in a 90-day period are considered truant by the Duval County Public School District. These students and their parents/guardians may face consequences which can include referral to the State Attorney's Office.