Don’t be scared of the dismissal line, we got you!
All Global Leadership Academy campuses use a dismissal program called PikMyKid. With this program, each student receives their own individual dismissal number. Dismissal numbers are given per student, not per family. Whenever the dismissal number is put into the PikMyKid system, the student’s name pops up in the teacher's classroom signaling the student to be dismissed.
Global Arts cares about the safety of every single student in our school. We kindly ask you to follow these instructions to make sure that the arrival and dismissal is quick and safe for our students. Please refrain from using cell phones in the car line as distractions may cause accidents and injuries!
Every morning from 7:45-8:10, Global Arts staff will be outside greeting and welcoming your child to the school. We recommend bringing your child to school early, so your child can receive a nutritious breakfast at school every day.
Parents dropping students off should enter using the Gate Parkway Entrance no earlier than 7:45am. Please stay in your car for student drop off. Students should not be dropped off until the adults and safety patrols are on duty and present in the car line to receive your child.
Please make sure to pull up all the way to the indicated signs to allow for as many cars to unload at one time and watch for direction from staff on duty.
Ensure you are paying attention and following the 10 mph speed limit while on campus.
Breakfast will be served in the multi-purpose room from 7:45-8:15am. If your child would like to eat breakfast you need to drop them off no later than 8:00am.
At 8:10am, the car line will be closed, and the gates will be closed preventing you from entering the car line for drop off. After 8:10am, you will need to park your car in a parking spot and walk your child into the office.
After 8:15, your child will receive a tardy slip when he/she comes through the office and is escorted to class.
7:00-7:40am – Extended Day Drop-Off
7:45-8:10am – Regular Drop-Off
8:15-later – Late Drop-Off in the Office
Dismissal begins at 3:00pm. On Early Dismissal days, the entire school dismisses at 1:45pm.
When you enter the car line off of Gate Parkway, you will need to have your child’s dismissal number properly hung from your rearview mirror to help speed up the process. This number will be given to school employees entering in the dismissal numbers. You should ALSO have the car tag (provided during Orientation) displayed from the rearview mirror clearly visible to the staff member on duty. If you have NOT done this, we will have a pull-off area the first day or two where we can assist you. After the first week, you will be asked to pull over and wait until dismissal is over before we can provide assistance.
You will be given instructions to pull into either Lane 1 or Lane 2. Please follow the direction of the staff members on duty and stay in the correct lane until it is your turn to pull up to the car loading zone. When it is your turn to pull into the car loading zone, pull up as close to the sidewalk as possible. Once all cars come to a complete stop in the car loading zone, we will load six students at a time. Your student will be loaded into your car by a Safety Patrol or staff member.
DO NOT get out of your car. If your child needs assistance to buckle, you can pull forward into the buckle zone before leaving campus. Because of safety reasons and to prevent holding the line, if your student has not exited the building in time, we will ask you to pull into the waiting zone until your student comes out and a staff member will walk your student to your car.
Again, the process is slower during the first two weeks of school. Please be patient as it will speed up as everyone learns the routine. Please ensure you are following directions to do your part to make it run efficiently.
EARLY PICK-UP ENDS AT 2:15 (1:00pm on Early Release Days)!
2:55pm – Walkers and Bike Riders are Dismissed
3:00pm – Car Dismissal Begins
3:30pm – Late Pick Up is Called
3:30pm – Please Park in a parking spot and walk inside to sign out your child, late fees apply!
Tardy Policy
Tardiness is defined as the physical absence of a student in the classroom at the beginning of a regularly scheduled session at which he or she is scheduled to be present.
All students arriving after the school’s official start time (8:15) must be accompanied by parents inside, be signed in on the tardy log, and get a tardy pass in order to enter the classroom.
The first three (3) tardy occurrences are documented in the electronic tardy tracking system and serve as a written warning. Consequences begin on the 4th recorded tardy:
4th, 5th, 6th tardy: Phone call and note sent home.
7th, 8th, 9th tardy: Documented meeting with the parent and principal.
10 occurrences of tardy to school: Referral to full-service schools.
Any other tardies after the 13th occurrence will be reported to a truancy officer.
Examples of acceptable reasons for tardiness are the same as the examples for acceptable reasons for excused absences, such as doctor’s appointment (a note must be provided).
Late Pick Up Policy
Students not picked up on time after regular school hours or any after school activity will be placed in the Extended Day Program after 15 min post official end of the program and be charged according to the Late Fee Schedule below
1hr 15min - 1hr 30min…………$25
1hr 30min - 1hr 45min………$30
1hr 45min - 2hrs……………………$40
After 6pm……………………..…..………$1/min
After 6 pm if GOCA is unable to reach the parent or any other emergency contacts JSO will be contacted and student will be picked up at JSO Substation.
If any part of the fee is not paid in full, the student will be prohibited from attending any scheduled field trips. Please make sure that all late pick up fees are paid on the day they are applied.
Alternatives to Parent Pick Up
Boys & Girls Club: Windy Hill Community Center
Unit Director: Tevin Solomon
Work: (904) 531-4140
Cell: (904) 908-7047
E-mail: Tevins@bgcnf.org
Membership coordinator: Tatyana Israel
Work: (904)531-4140
Cell: (904) 434-7107
E-mail: Tatyanal@bgcnf.org